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Thermographic mold and humidity measurement

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
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Detail Thermographic Mold And Humidity Measurement

Thermographic mold and humidity measurement Humidity-related risks in buildings. Humidity in building interiors often leads to wide-ranging problems. Structural defects and inappropriate user behaviour can result in the formation of mould. Testo thermal imagers can be used in many areas: Locating thermal bridges Detecting air leaks Detecting cracks in the masonry Gas leak detection and location Energy consultancy It is particularly important for moist areas on walls and ceilings to be made visible. This is because the earlier you detect the risk of mould developing, with its associated risks to health and equipment, the sooner you can do something about it. Thermographic mould and humidity measurement with Testo: simple, contactless and efficient. Scientific studies have shown that humidity values of approximately 80 % RH are required for mould to grow. Xerophilic fungi even grow from approximately 65 % RH. Testo thermal imagers reveal sites at risk of mould, such as ceilings, walls or corners, directly on the camera display: points at risk are displayed in red, points not at risk appear green. One glance is all it takes for you to be assured that you are in the clear. No need to spend time on elaborate and complex calculations of humidity values or make a written note of them. Simply input the ambient temperature and air humidity into the thermal imaging camera, and the thermal imaging camera will take care of the rest and calculate the relative surface humidity value for each measuring point. In addition, an external wireless humidity sensor can be connected to the testo 881, testo 882, testo 885 and testo 890 models and can be used to transmit the ambient parameters to the thermal imaging camera. There is no need to input the readings manually. Thus, the continuous data transmission makes calculating humidity values even easier and more reliable.
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